Want to be a Gateway CASA partner?
There are many ways that you, your business, your church, your club, or your school group can partner with Gateway CASA to help us continue to build a strong future for the foster children in your community.
Here are just a few ways:
- Plan a fundraising event and make Gateway CASA the beneficiary.
- Become a Friend of CASA donate time, expertise, services
- Become a sponsor for a Gateway CASA fundraiser (example: Our Annual GALA)
- Recurring Monthly Gift set up on our "click to Donate" button
- Annual Gifts
-Corporate Gifts
Today a 3rd Judicial District Gateway CASA Volunteer changed a child’s life.
Today a CASA Volunteer visited with a child who felt worthless and alone.
Today a CASA Volunteer spoke with a child who felt they had no future.
Today a CASA Volunteer listened, offered support, and made a child feel wanted and special for the first time.
Tomorrow, the CASA Volunteer will do it again